Cudacciolu Rural Tourism
Cudacciolu Rural Tourism aim, is to offer the tourists tired of crowded cities, a place in the nature and serve them with specialties produced either directly on the farm or locally. The farm’s resort covers 13 acres of evergreen meadow.
Thanks to the mild climate of the region our cattle can roam free and graze on tender grass every day. During spring and summer seasons the calves can be admired sleeping in the sun watched over by their mothers grazing underneath the olive trees.
Our rural tourism allows you to be in close contact with nature. You will be able to closely observe grazing cattle, horses and other grazing animals. Unfortunately, we live in a globalized world that pursues the maximum profit without worrying about animal well-being. Those who are sensitive to the problem know how those poor animals are treated in those big stables, only reduced to a number on a card. Our method, instead, follows the ancient rhythm of nature, as our ancestors were used to respecting the animal.
Our calves are born in the wild and live with their mother throughout the period of breastfeeding, growing together healthily and happy. Like all young creatures, they always have fun and play with each other, often creating small groups of different ages. Our cows are mainly fed with natural fodder, such as hay, barley and corn.
In the adjoining meadows it is also possible to observe the grazing horses. These animals are not bred for food but are a passion of the owners who occasionally love to ride.
The Vegetable Garden
The vegetables are grown in the family house garden. During the month of April, as soon as the weather gets milder, we start seeding and growing our plants. We do not use any herbicides, only fresh cow and horse manure as fertiliser.We let our fruit and vegetables grow at their own pace.